Saturday, August 3, 2019

Scent of repulsion

The time is 5:30 pm and I’m at Likoni ferry creek on my way home. Maybe now I won’t encounter dramas as I had witnessed in the morning. The tide was high and calm. Less noise as in the morning, I guess people are hungry and are looking forward to getting home and rest.

I had been called for an interview in the morning by a company I applied to two weeks ago. I woke up early and by seven I was here. I passed by the security checkup, then the beggars lined up and some hawkers. This is where my worry began. I knew it won’t be the same after crossing as how it is now, smell-wise.

Every day that I plan to cross over the ferry to the island has to be preceded by a ritual bath. It takes around ten minutes to have it. I’m usually careful and give attention to every part covered in skin. There is a famous saying: Take a bath and start living, brush your teeth so that others can live. So I make the bath count. It is usually thorough on a day like this because I had an interview. I use imperial leather soap. Though the scent it applies to my body is not very strong, it’s good. I like it. Then I brush my teeth, not because of oral hygiene, but for the same reason I take these baths. It’s for people to be comfortable around me.

As far as body odor flies its importance, I avoid perfumes. I have this sinus problem that jumps up whenever I use strong perfume, strong pepper or very cold drinking water. You see why I have to take a good bath now, to preserve the natural goodness of my body smell as long as possible. It’s courtesy, It's good manners, it's being considerate. Good smell attracts and gives smiles to unhappy pedestrians.

The Likoni ferry crossing, however, is a spoiler to the essence of cleanliness we work for. People are congested. There is a mixture of clean people and those who don’t care. The heat generated by the crowd is enough to destroy the good smell you are preserving. But there is no other way, at least for me. Maybe if I had an air-conditioned car I wouldn’t worry about heat, sweating, and crowds. Once I had to enter the gents at Swahilipot hub and take a second bath in the morning. It becomes necessary sometimes. But today I march on with people, everyone pushing. Rubbing their dirt and transferring B.O. to each other. Everyone wants to cross and be early to work or wherever they are going.

 Some guy pretended to put a coin in a blind beggar’s cup but instead took out forty shillings out. Luckily he was seen and forced to return the money. Aboard the ferry, there was a Christian preacher who was open in demanding “sadaka” from people. Ferry rules do not allow preaching or hawking while aboard. But they always do it. I thought of broadcasting this preacher live on Facebook because he was funny, but was afraid he might demand charity from me too. So I just listened. After some minutes we heard noise and commotion from the lower deck. The guy who wanted to steal from a blind beggar was talking bad and unapologetic. So they decided to give him a lesson. Guys were beating the shit out of him. He received a beating until he was rescued by Kenya ferry security guards after reaching the other side. There is always drama at Likoni ferry. If nothing perplexes you in your neighborhood, here you will by seeing fish swimming naked.

That was in the morning. I had the interview then went to Swahilipot hub to continue with personal projects. Now, I’m on my way back. Gazing at the wonderful sea. Ships at berth loading and offloading. Ferry passengers are usually less noisy at this time. After disembarking I headed straight to the Tuktuk stage and got in one. Two more ladies got in and we were good to go.

A distinct smell started to claim the air around us. There was no luggage behind the tuktuk, for maybe we could assume rotten fruits or vegetables. After a few minutes, I recognized that it was B.O.  It must have been coming from one of the ladies. Exactly the one who was sitting next to me. Her redolence was stronger than rotten food or even stench coming out from a dirty toilet. I couldn’t say anything because she was a stranger. I wanted so much to cover my nose and face the other side but I couldn’t. I didn’t want to offend the smelly girl, although the smell she exudes was offensive enough. She was ebony in skin. Pitch black but with a luster that usually makes them branded black beauties. She wore fitting black jeans and a petite light blue blouse with colored flowers painted on. She had meat. Not a spring chicken, but definitely not among those who persecute themselves with diets. Her sexy hip rubbing against my left thigh. Her only flaw was body odor.

She looked my way and smiled. I had to smile back. Of all the criticism I will offer about her pungence, I can’t lie that she was not a hottie. I was attracted, despite the smell. I don’t know if it was out of madness or temporary insanity that I told her “I have a feeling I will regret not seeing you again after today. Suppose I don’t go home, and you don’t go home. And we stop somewhere nice just to talk for some time?”

Men are dogs, so many women would say. But if we are, they are bitches. At the prospect of being laid by a very attractive girl, a man would cancel an important appointment or even a meal to see it through. This was a girl who had given me a good reason not to even befriend, but since she was hot and easy, I saw this as a golden opportunity to excite my emotions by passion and fly high to cloud nine. Her body stench will be easily negligible once I’m in the throes of sweetness. Just downplay the stinking on my mind, but if it warrants, I could cover my nose using a paper bag. Heaven knows I wanted her by any means, regardless. There was this thirst, lust that believed she will soon quench. And I would smile happily after that. I anticipate the lovemaking to have challenging discomfort. Gulping for fresh air while keeping it steady. Flying my mind far away from the guest house bed while still affording kisses and caresses. I guess I’d have to close my eyes to at least enjoy a reasonable degree of intimacy. Foul smell Vs passion. I hope for the response to touch to override the odor and make me enjoy the loveliest natural ecstasy ever experienced by humans throughout time.

She was an agreeable girl. I didn’t even have to ask her name. The other lady sitting beside her seemed pissed off. But the Tuktuk driver was smiling. She nodded to my proposal and I touched her last right-hand finger just to send a message. I could envision the tiredness I felt leaving my body. Muscles releasing stress feeling fresh and youthful. I was not going to let a stupid malodor stand in the way of my fun.

My defense and reason is I know a good number of men would have done the same. I closed my eyes and said to myself “kufa gari, kufa dereva.” And motioned the tuktuk driver to stop at Third world stage where we would alight. I knew a discreet lodging behind Third world café that charged by the hour.

Such are commonplace decisions made by heads of men. We love our hearts caressed. We love the fun that comes with no strings attached. We like girls. We work hard for money, and we like to possess beautiful things. We want fame and we want a lot of other things. And although every man dreams of sex with celebrities, any half cute girl would do, really.